It was an accident really. We were throwing a “Jewchella” party for a friend who happened to be joining the tribe. The schmear was good, but the shirts? A hit. The next thing we knew, Unkosher Market was born. Imagine the look on our parents' faces when we told them we were getting into the schmatta business. But then again, we were used to Jewish guilt.
We've been featured in the Guardian, The Cut, Jewish Journal, Forward, Times of Israel and People. And our collection is available at the New York Jewish Museum, international boutiques and online. We even had a photo exhibit at the American Jewish Historical Society entitled "Bubby: Kosher love advice in Unkosher Times." And most recently, we worked with Positive Times to launch the first-ever Everything Bagel Nail Polish. How about them matzah balls?
Co-Founder, Shiran Teitelbaum
Co-Founder, Alice Blastorah
Chief Unkosher Operations, Alex Feldman
Art Director Intern, Molly Baraff